Protecting What’s Yours

Rental insurance is an inexpensive way to ensure the possessions you accumulate can be repaired or replaced if the unforeseen happens. The standard policy of this type covers big-ticket items like electronics, furniture and, often, appliances, as well as less expensive home contents, like clothing. Most renters can acquire thousands of dollars worth of property and liability insurance at minimal cost. Yet fewer than half are insured, either because they underestimate the value of their personal possessions or wrongly assume their landlord’s insurance plan covers their things. Anyone who’s ever experienced a home fire, smoke damage, lightning strike, vandalism or theft, explosion or windstorm knows how those kinds of events can damage a home—and drain your family’s budget—to say nothing of what a liability lawsuit can do. But with affordable protection in place, occurrences like these don’t have to become major life events or turn into huge financial losses.